Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Liam Takes His Moustache, Guitar and Hat to India: A brief Summary So Far

So far I've been to the outskirts of Delhi (Gaurgau) on the back of a motorbike, eaten lots of tasty food including meat from an almost street food place that was hygically a bit risky (according to my friend), been to two Indian weddings, been to see a Bollywood movie in the cinema, gained an Indian family and friends and experienced warm Indian hospitality and proper home cooked food, worked all hours in the office on an architecture competition to design an Educational Hub in Diu and seen three kinds of animal being ridden on the road, and a decorated holy cow. Here in the Ashram I've celebrated Sidi Day, seen the kids sports day, helped make a papier mache lion, learnt to use crouching toilets, met loads of different people and learnt Yoga from a Californian Yoga, who also convinced me that I am infact spiritual afterall and I have a strong connection with God. And I got ill once unfortunately, but that's part of the deal.
I've written about some of this already but I still need time to edit it so I can post it online. Hopefully it will be interesting and not too long, rather than too long and quite boring! (which is subjective so it will be probably both).

1 comment:

  1. good to hear from you :) You have done so many things!!! explore the India as much as possible honey ! XD
